The Million Lives Changed Blog

    Best Friend or Worst Enemy – Arnica Oil!

    Posted by angus on Jun 1, 2011 6:47:17 AM

    As I started reading about Arnica Oil I soon realised how powerful carrier oils are. Not only to heal but also the side effects they have if used incorrectly. So I am pleased I am taking the time to research and share some of my findings with you.

    This powerful oil is from the Arnica flower, found in the mountains of Siberia and Europe. It is also cultivated in North America and Canada. This aromatic lubricant is made from an infusion of the arnica flowers and oil. The oil is suitable for treatments such as swellings, bruises, sprains, muscle fatigue, rheumatic pain and aching muscles. Sounds just the job after a hard day’s work or a work out in the gym. Better still could have therapeutic results for those who do suffer minor injuries.

    Although this oil sounds just the thing to have around but it does come with a bit of a warning. This oil is only to be used externally on unbroken skin. Otherwise it may cause irritation to the skin. Especially with the prospect of causing skin irritation such as peeling, eczema and other skin conditions if used over a period of time.

    Like most skin care products and oils used for the first time this should definitely be tested on the skin. When testing, patch test on the skin either the inside he inside of the elbow or behind the ear. You may want to do this for a minimum of 72 hours. If irritation occurs discontinue using. This treatment oil should not be continuously used without seeking qualified specialist advice, such as from a qualified herbalist.
    Despite this warning do not forget its therapeutic uses, especially if diluted for message, creams and compresses. Ensure it is used externally on unbroken skin and not internally. This oil is for the medical cabinet and to be used with some sort of educational knowledge.

    Thanks Joanne

    Topics: oils, Skincare & Ingredients

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